package in.lib.manager; import in.lib.Constants; import in.lib.Debug; import in.lib.manager.ImageAPIManager.Provider; import in.lib.type.FIFOArrayList; import in.lib.utils.DateUtils; import in.lib.utils.StringUtils; import in.model.User; import in.rob.client.MainApplication; import in.rob.client.R; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; import net.callumtaylor.asynchttp.AsyncHttpClient; import net.callumtaylor.asynchttp.obj.entity.JsonEntity; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor; import; public class SettingsManager { @Getter private static boolean timelineBreakEnabled = true; @Getter private static boolean notificationLedEnabled = true; @Getter private static boolean quickPostEnabled = false; @Getter private static boolean shakeRefreshEnabled = false; @Getter private static boolean notificationsEnabled = true; @Getter private static boolean notificationsSoundEnabled = true; @Getter private static boolean notificationsVibrateEnabled = false; @Getter private static boolean notificationsOnlyFollowing = false; @Getter private static boolean inlineImagesEnabled = true; @Getter private static boolean globalEnabled = false; @Getter private static boolean usingUnified = true; @Getter private static boolean quietModeEnabled = false; @Getter private static boolean analyticsEnabled = true; @Getter private static boolean crashReportEnabled = true; @Getter private static boolean keywordSearchEnabled = true; @Getter private static boolean invertPostClick = false; @Getter private static boolean lightboxEnabled = true; @Getter private static boolean imageViewerEnabled = true; @Getter private static boolean customFontsEnabled = false; @Getter private static boolean inlineImageWifiEnabled = false; @Getter private static Boolean showDirectedPosts = true; @Getter private static Boolean showDirectedMentions = true; @Getter private static Boolean showLongDates = false; @Getter private static Boolean showAvatars = true; @Getter private static Boolean showTimelineCover = true; @Getter private static int fontSizeIndex = 1; @Getter private static long quietModeFrom = 82800000; @Getter private static long quietModeTo = 28800000; @Getter private static String notificationTone = null; @Getter private static ImageAPIManager.Provider imageProvider = Provider.APPNET; @Getter private static String nameDisplayOrder = "@{#username}|{#fullname}"; @Getter private static DateFormat dateFormat; @Getter private static DateFormat timeFormat; @Getter private static DateUtils dateUtils; @Getter private static FIFOArrayList<String> recentSearches = new FIFOArrayList<String>(5); @Getter private static long cacheTimeout = 60 * 15 * 1000; @Getter private static long requestTimeout = 10 * 1000; @Getter private static int maxCacheSize = 30; @Getter private static int maxImageCacheSize = 30; @Getter private static int pageSize = 30; @Getter private static int swarmProtectionIndex = 0; @Getter private static String themeName = "DefaultLight"; @Getter private static String locale = ""; @Getter private static boolean webReadabilityEnabled = false; @Getter @Setter private static int allocatedMemory = 0; private static String savedTags = ""; private static String mutedTags = ""; private static String mutedThreads = ""; @Getter private static int postIdLength = 12; @Getter private static int messageIdLength = 15; @Getter private static int postLength = 256; @Getter private static int messageLength = 256; @Getter private static int bioLength = 256; /** * BIT_NOTIFICATION_MENTION = 0x0000001; * BIT_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE = 0x0000002; * BIT_NOTIFICATION_PATTER_PM = 0x0000004; * BIT_NOTIFICATION_FOLLOW = 0x0000008; * BIT_NOTIFICATION_REPOST = 0x0000010; * BIT_NOTIFICATION_STAR = 0x0000020; * * Default all: 63 */ @Getter private static int notifications = 63; /** * BIT_ANIMATION_LIST = 0x0000001; * BIT_ANIMATION_INLINE_IMAGE = 0x0000002; * BIT_ANIMATION_COVER_IMAGE = 0x0000004; * BIT_ANIMATION_PAGINATION = 0x0000008; * * Default all: 15 */ @Getter private static int animations = 15; /** * BIT_EMPHASIS_ITALIC = 0x0000001; * BIT_EMPHASIS_BOLD = 0x0000002; * BIT_EMPHASIS_UNDERLINE = 0x0000004; * * Default all: 0 */ @Getter private static int postEmphasis = 0; /** * BIT_LINK_HASHTAG = 0x0000001; * BIT_LINK_MENTION = 0x0000002; * BIT_LINK_URL = 0x0000004; * * Default all: 0 */ @Getter private static int singleClickLinks = 0; /** * BIT_STREAM_MARKER_ENABLED = 0x0000001; * BIT_STREAM_MARKER_PAST = 0x0000002; * * Default all: 0 */ @Getter private static int streamMarker = 0; /** * Font sizes in %. Values: {@value} */ private static float[] mFontSizes = new float[]{0.8f, 1.0f, 1.3f, 1.5f, 1.7f, 1.9f, 2.1f}; private SharedPreferences mPrefs; private static SettingsManager mInstance; /** * Get the instance of SettingsManager or create it if it's null. * * You should only call this ONCE in your application singleton * @param c The <b>APPLICATION</b> context * @return The SettingsManager instance */ public static SettingsManager getInstance(Context c) { if (mInstance == null) { synchronized (SettingsManager.class) { if (mInstance == null) { mInstance = new SettingsManager(c.getApplicationContext()); } } } return mInstance; } /** * Get the instance of SettingsManager or create it if it's null * @return The SettingsManager instance */ public static SettingsManager getInstance() { return mInstance; } public SettingsManager(Context context) { inlineImagesEnabled = allocatedMemory > 8; animations = allocatedMemory > 8 ? animations : 0; mPrefs = context.getSharedPreferences(Constants.PREFS_SETTINGS_KEY, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); pageSize = mPrefs.getInt(Constants.PREFS_PAGE_SIZE, 60); showLongDates = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFS_LONG_DATE, showLongDates); showAvatars = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFS_AVATARS_ENABLED, showAvatars); notificationsEnabled = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFS_NOTIFICATIONS, notificationsEnabled); notificationsSoundEnabled = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFS_NOTIFICATIONS_SOUND, notificationsSoundEnabled); notificationsOnlyFollowing = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFS_NOTIFICATIONS_FOLLOWING, notificationsOnlyFollowing); inlineImagesEnabled = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFS_INLINE_IMAGES, inlineImagesEnabled); showDirectedPosts = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFS_DIRECTED_POSTS_VISIBLE, showDirectedPosts); showDirectedMentions = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFS_DIRECTED_MENTIONS_VISIBLE, showDirectedMentions); globalEnabled = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFS_GLOBAL_ENABLED, globalEnabled); usingUnified = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFS_USING_UNIFIED, usingUnified); quietModeEnabled = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFS_QUIET_MODE_ENABLED, quietModeEnabled); analyticsEnabled = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFS_ANALYTICS_ENABLED, analyticsEnabled); crashReportEnabled = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFS_CRASH_REPORTING_ENABLED, crashReportEnabled); showTimelineCover = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFS_TIMELINE_COVER, showTimelineCover); fontSizeIndex = mPrefs.getInt(Constants.PREFS_FONT_SIZE, fontSizeIndex); savedTags = mPrefs.getString(Constants.PREFS_SAVED_TAGS, "robin,#robintips,"); mutedTags = mPrefs.getString(Constants.PREFS_MUTED_TAGS, "test,"); mutedThreads = mPrefs.getString(Constants.PREFS_MUTED_THREADS, ""); notificationTone = mPrefs.getString(Constants.PREFS_NOTIFICATION_TONE, null); nameDisplayOrder = mPrefs.getString(Constants.PREFS_NAME_DISPLAY, nameDisplayOrder); cacheTimeout = mPrefs.getLong(Constants.PREFS_CACHE_TIMEOUT, cacheTimeout); quietModeFrom = mPrefs.getLong(Constants.PREFS_QUIET_MODE_FROM, quietModeFrom); quietModeTo = mPrefs.getLong(Constants.PREFS_QUIET_MODE_TO, quietModeTo); imageProvider = Provider.getProviderById(mPrefs.getInt(Constants.PREFS_IMAGE_PROVIDER, 4)); timelineBreakEnabled = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFS_TIMELINE_BREAK, timelineBreakEnabled); shakeRefreshEnabled = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFS_SHAKE_REFRESH_ENABLED, shakeRefreshEnabled); quickPostEnabled = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFS_QUICK_POST_ENABLED, quickPostEnabled); notificationLedEnabled = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFS_NOTIFICATION_LED_ENABLED, notificationLedEnabled); notificationsVibrateEnabled = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFS_NOTIFICATION_VIBRATE, notificationsVibrateEnabled); themeName = mPrefs.getString(Constants.PREFS_THEME, themeName); requestTimeout = mPrefs.getLong(Constants.PREFS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, requestTimeout); keywordSearchEnabled = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFS_KEYWORD_SEARCH_ENABLED, keywordSearchEnabled); invertPostClick = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFS_INVERT_POST_CLICK_ENABLED, invertPostClick); lightboxEnabled = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFS_LIGHTBOX_ENABLED, lightboxEnabled); imageViewerEnabled = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFS_IMAGE_VIEWER_ENABLED, imageViewerEnabled); swarmProtectionIndex = mPrefs.getInt(Constants.PREFS_SWARM_PROTECTION, swarmProtectionIndex); notifications = mPrefs.getInt(Constants.PREFS_NOTIFICATIONS_OPTIONS, notificationsEnabled ? notifications : 0); customFontsEnabled = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFS_CUSTOM_FONTS, customFontsEnabled); animations = mPrefs.getInt(Constants.PREFS_ANIMATIONS, context.getResources().getInteger(R.integer.animations)); postEmphasis = mPrefs.getInt(Constants.PREFS_POST_EMPHASIS, postEmphasis); inlineImageWifiEnabled = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFS_INLINE_IMAGE_WIFI, inlineImageWifiEnabled); maxCacheSize = mPrefs.getInt(Constants.PREFS_CACHE_SIZE, maxCacheSize); maxImageCacheSize = mPrefs.getInt(Constants.PREFS_IMAGE_CACHE_SIZE, maxImageCacheSize); locale = mPrefs.getString(Constants.PREFS_LOCALE, locale); webReadabilityEnabled = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFS_WEB_READABILITY, webReadabilityEnabled); singleClickLinks = mPrefs.getInt(Constants.PREFS_SINGLE_CLICK_LINKS, singleClickLinks); postIdLength = mPrefs.getInt(Constants.PREFS_POST_ID_LENGTH, postIdLength); messageIdLength = mPrefs.getInt(Constants.PREFS_MESSAGE_ID_LENGTH, messageIdLength); postLength = mPrefs.getInt(Constants.PREFS_POST_LENGTH, postLength); messageLength = mPrefs.getInt(Constants.PREFS_MESSAGE_LENGTH, messageLength); bioLength = mPrefs.getInt(Constants.PREFS_BIO_LENGTH, bioLength); boolean markerEnabled = mPrefs.getBoolean(Constants.PREFS_STREAM_MARKERS_ENABLED, false); streamMarker = mPrefs.getInt(Constants.PREFS_STREAM_MARKERS, streamMarker); if (markerEnabled) { setStreamMarkerOptions(3); mPrefs.edit().remove(Constants.PREFS_STREAM_MARKERS_ENABLED).apply(); } String searches = mPrefs.getString(Constants.PREFS_RECENT_SEARCH, ""); recentSearches.addAll(Arrays.asList(searches.split("[,]"))); dateFormat = android.text.format.DateFormat.getDateFormat(context); timeFormat = android.text.format.DateFormat.getTimeFormat(context); dateUtils = new DateUtils(context); } /** * Updates the notification server with the selected settings */ public void saveSettings(Context mContext) { MainApplication app = (MainApplication)mContext.getApplicationContext(); String deviceHash = app.getDeviceId(); // update all user's registered with this device List<String> users = UserManager.getLinkedUserIds(mContext); for (String user : users) { AsyncHttpClient settingsUpdater = new AsyncHttpClient(Constants.API_NOTIFICATION_URL + Constants.API_NOTIFICATION_VERSION); User u = User.loadUser(user); JsonObject obj = new JsonObject(); obj.addProperty("id", deviceHash); obj.addProperty("enabled", notifications); obj.addProperty("follow_enabled", notificationsOnlyFollowing); try { settingsUpdater.put ( Constants.API_NOTIFICATION_USERS + user + "/" + Constants.API_NOTIFICATION_DEVICES + deviceHash, new JsonEntity(obj), null ); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.out(e); } } } /************************************************** * * STREAM MARKER SETTINGS * **************************************************/ public void setStreamMarkerOptions(int options) { streamMarker = options; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putInt(Constants.PREFS_STREAM_MARKERS, options); editor.apply(); } public static boolean isStreamMarkerEnabled() { return ((streamMarker & Constants.BIT_STREAM_MARKER_ENABLED) == Constants.BIT_STREAM_MARKER_ENABLED); } public static boolean isStreamMarkerPastEnabled() { return ((streamMarker & Constants.BIT_STREAM_MARKER_PAST) == Constants.BIT_STREAM_MARKER_PAST); } /************************************************** * * ANIMATION SETTINGS * **************************************************/ public void setAnimationOptions(int options) { animations = options; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putInt(Constants.PREFS_ANIMATIONS, options); editor.apply(); } public static boolean isListAnimationEnabled() { return ((animations & Constants.BIT_ANIMATION_LIST) == Constants.BIT_ANIMATION_LIST); } public static boolean isInlineAnimationEnabled() { return ((animations & Constants.BIT_ANIMATION_INLINE_IMAGE) == Constants.BIT_ANIMATION_INLINE_IMAGE); } public static boolean isCoverImageAnimationEnabled() { return ((animations & Constants.BIT_ANIMATION_COVER_IMAGE) == Constants.BIT_ANIMATION_COVER_IMAGE); } public static boolean isPaginationAnimationEnabled() { return ((animations & Constants.BIT_ANIMATION_PAGINATION) == Constants.BIT_ANIMATION_PAGINATION); } /************************************************** * * POST EMPHASIS SETTINGS * **************************************************/ public void setPostEmphasisOptions(int options) { postEmphasis = options; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putInt(Constants.PREFS_POST_EMPHASIS, postEmphasis); editor.apply(); } public static boolean isItalicEnabled() { return ((postEmphasis & Constants.BIT_EMPHASIS_ITALIC) == Constants.BIT_EMPHASIS_ITALIC); } public static boolean isBoldEnabled() { return ((postEmphasis & Constants.BIT_EMPHASIS_BOLD) == Constants.BIT_EMPHASIS_BOLD); } public static boolean isUnderlineEnabled() { return ((postEmphasis & Constants.BIT_EMPHASIS_UNDERLINE) == Constants.BIT_EMPHASIS_UNDERLINE); } /************************************************** * * SINGLE CLICK SETTINGS * **************************************************/ public void setSingleClickOptions(int options) { singleClickLinks = options; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putInt(Constants.PREFS_SINGLE_CLICK_LINKS, singleClickLinks); editor.apply(); } public static boolean isSingleClickHashtagEnabled() { return ((singleClickLinks & Constants.BIT_LINK_HASHTAG) == Constants.BIT_LINK_HASHTAG); } public static boolean isSingleClickMentionEnabled() { return ((singleClickLinks & Constants.BIT_LINK_MENTION) == Constants.BIT_LINK_MENTION); } public static boolean isSingleClickUrlEnabled() { return ((singleClickLinks & Constants.BIT_LINK_URL) == Constants.BIT_LINK_URL); } /************************************************** * * OTHER SETTINGS * **************************************************/ public void setPostIdLength(int length) { postIdLength = length; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putInt(Constants.PREFS_POST_ID_LENGTH, length); editor.apply(); } public void setMessageIdLength(int length) { messageIdLength = length; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putInt(Constants.PREFS_MESSAGE_ID_LENGTH, length); editor.apply(); } public void setPostLength(int length) { postLength = length; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putInt(Constants.PREFS_POST_LENGTH, length); editor.apply(); } public void setMessageLength(int length) { messageLength = length; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putInt(Constants.PREFS_MESSAGE_LENGTH, length); editor.apply(); } public void setBioLength(int length) { bioLength = length; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putInt(Constants.PREFS_BIO_LENGTH, length); editor.apply(); } public void setWebReadabilityEnabled(boolean enabled) { webReadabilityEnabled = enabled; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFS_WEB_READABILITY, enabled); editor.apply(); } public void setMaxCacheSize(int size) { maxCacheSize = size; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putInt(Constants.PREFS_CACHE_SIZE, size); editor.apply(); } public void setMaxImageCacheSize(int size) { maxImageCacheSize = size; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putInt(Constants.PREFS_IMAGE_CACHE_SIZE, size); editor.apply(); } public void setInlineImageWifiOnly(boolean enabled) { inlineImageWifiEnabled = enabled; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFS_INLINE_IMAGE_WIFI, enabled); editor.apply(); } public void setNotificationOptions(int options) { notifications = options; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putInt(Constants.PREFS_NOTIFICATIONS_OPTIONS, options); editor.apply(); } public void addSearchHistory(String tag) { if (recentSearches.contains(tag)) { recentSearches.remove(tag); } recentSearches.add(tag); Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putString(Constants.PREFS_RECENT_SEARCH, StringUtils.join(recentSearches, ",")); editor.apply(); } public void removeSearchHistory(String tag) { if (recentSearches.contains(tag)) { recentSearches.remove(tag); } Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putString(Constants.PREFS_RECENT_SEARCH, StringUtils.join(recentSearches, ",")); editor.apply(); } public void setLocale(String locale) { SettingsManager.locale = locale; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putString(Constants.PREFS_LOCALE, locale); editor.apply(); } public void setSwarmProtectionIndex(int index) { swarmProtectionIndex = index; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putInt(Constants.PREFS_SWARM_PROTECTION, index); editor.apply(); } public void setCustomFontsEnabled(boolean enabled) { customFontsEnabled = enabled; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFS_CUSTOM_FONTS, enabled); editor.apply(); } public void setAppTheme(String theme) { themeName = theme; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putString(Constants.PREFS_THEME, theme); editor.apply(); } public void setLightboxEnabled(boolean enabled) { lightboxEnabled = enabled; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFS_LIGHTBOX_ENABLED, enabled); editor.apply(); } public void setImageViewerEnabled(boolean enabled) { imageViewerEnabled = enabled; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFS_IMAGE_VIEWER_ENABLED, enabled); editor.apply(); } public void setNotificationVibrateEnabled(boolean enabled) { notificationsVibrateEnabled = enabled; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFS_NOTIFICATION_VIBRATE, enabled); editor.apply(); } public void setRequestTimeout(long timeout) { requestTimeout = timeout; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putLong(Constants.PREFS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, timeout); editor.apply(); } public void setKeywordSearchEnabled(boolean enabled) { keywordSearchEnabled = enabled; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFS_KEYWORD_SEARCH_ENABLED, enabled); editor.apply(); } public void setInvertPostEnabled(boolean enabled) { invertPostClick = enabled; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFS_INVERT_POST_CLICK_ENABLED, enabled); editor.apply(); } /** * Sets if quick post is enabled or not */ public void setQuickPostEnabled(boolean enabled) { quickPostEnabled = enabled; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFS_QUICK_POST_ENABLED, enabled); editor.apply(); } /** * Sets if the notification led colour is enabled or not */ public void setNotificationLedEnabled(boolean enabled) { notificationLedEnabled = enabled; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFS_NOTIFICATION_LED_ENABLED, enabled); editor.apply(); } /** * Sets if shake to refresh is enabled or not */ public void setShakeRefreshEnabled(boolean enabled) { shakeRefreshEnabled = enabled; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFS_SHAKE_REFRESH_ENABLED, enabled); editor.apply(); } /** * Sets the image upload provider * @param p The new provider */ public void setImageProvider(Provider p) { imageProvider = p; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putInt(Constants.PREFS_IMAGE_PROVIDER, p.getId()); editor.apply(); } /** * Sets the custom quiet hours for notifications * @param from The time in milliseconds (time only) from 1970 * @param to The time in milliseconds (time only) from 1970 */ public void setQuietHours(long from, long to) { quietModeFrom = from; quietModeTo = to; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putLong(Constants.PREFS_QUIET_MODE_FROM, from); editor.putLong(Constants.PREFS_QUIET_MODE_TO, to); editor.apply(); } /** * Sets if the timeline cover is enabled or not * @param enabled */ public void setTimelineCoverEnabled(boolean enabled) { showTimelineCover = enabled; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFS_TIMELINE_COVER, enabled); editor.apply(); } /** * Sets if the timeline will break for new posts * @param enabled */ public void setTimelineBreakEnabled(boolean enabled) { timelineBreakEnabled = enabled; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFS_TIMELINE_BREAK, enabled); editor.apply(); } /** * Sets the notification tone * @param url the path to the tone */ public void setNotificationTone(String url) { notificationTone = url; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putString(Constants.PREFS_NOTIFICATION_TONE, notificationTone); editor.apply(); } /** * Sets if the crash reporting is enabled or not * @param eneabled True/false */ public void setCrashReportingEnabled(boolean enabled) { crashReportEnabled = enabled; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFS_CRASH_REPORTING_ENABLED, crashReportEnabled); editor.apply(); } /** * Sets if the global stream is enabled or not * @param eneabled True/false */ public void setAnalyticsEnabled(boolean enabled) { analyticsEnabled = enabled; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFS_ANALYTICS_ENABLED, analyticsEnabled); editor.apply(); } /** * Sets if the global stream is enabled or not * @param eneabled True/false */ public void setGlobalEnabled(boolean enabled) { globalEnabled = enabled; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFS_GLOBAL_ENABLED, globalEnabled); editor.apply(); } /** * Sets if the quiet mode is enabled or not * @param eneabled True/false */ public void setQuietModeEnabled(boolean enabled) { quietModeEnabled = enabled; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFS_QUIET_MODE_ENABLED, quietModeEnabled); editor.apply(); } /** * Sets if to use a unified stream * @param eneabled True/false */ public void setUsingUnified(boolean enabled) { usingUnified = enabled; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFS_USING_UNIFIED, usingUnified); editor.apply(); } /** * Sets the cache timeout time in MS * @param timeout the max timeout in MS */ public void setCacheTimeout(long timeout) { cacheTimeout = timeout; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putLong(Constants.PREFS_CACHE_TIMEOUT, cacheTimeout); editor.apply(); } /** * Set the name display order * @param order The order script */ public void setNameDisplayOrder(String order) { nameDisplayOrder = order; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putString(Constants.PREFS_NAME_DISPLAY, nameDisplayOrder); editor.apply(); } /** * Sets weather to show long dates or not * @param showLong True if so, false if not */ public void setShowLongDates(boolean showLong) { showLongDates = showLong; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFS_LONG_DATE, showLong); editor.apply(); } /** * Sets weather to show avatars * @param showAvatars True if so, false if not */ public void setShowAvatars(boolean showAvatars) { this.showAvatars = showAvatars; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFS_AVATARS_ENABLED, showAvatars); editor.apply(); } /** * Sets the font size to the index of {@link #mFontSizes} * @param index The index of the selected font from {@link #mFontSizes} */ public void setFontSize(int index) { fontSizeIndex = index; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putInt(Constants.PREFS_FONT_SIZE, index); editor.apply(); } /** * Sets the page size * @param pageSize The signed value for page size (0-Integer.MAX) */ public void setPageSize(int pageSize) { pageSize = pageSize; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putInt(Constants.PREFS_PAGE_SIZE, pageSize); editor.apply(); } /** * @return Gets the set font size increase in % */ public static float getFontSize() { return mFontSizes[fontSizeIndex]; } /** * @return The font size index from {@link #mFontSizes} */ public static int getFontSizeIndex() { return fontSizeIndex; } /** * @param enabled True to enable notifcations, false to disable */ public void setNotificationFollowingEnabled(boolean enabled) { notificationsOnlyFollowing = enabled; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFS_NOTIFICATIONS_FOLLOWING, enabled); editor.apply(); } /** * @param enabled True to enable notifcations, false to disable */ public void setNotificationsEnabled(boolean enabled) { notificationsEnabled = enabled; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFS_NOTIFICATIONS, enabled); editor.apply(); } /** * @param enabled True to enable notifcation sound, false to disable */ public void setNotificationsSoundEnabled(boolean enabled) { notificationsSoundEnabled = enabled; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFS_NOTIFICATIONS_SOUND, enabled); editor.apply(); } /** * @param enabled True to enable inline images, false to disable */ public void setInlineImagesEnabled(boolean enabled) { inlineImagesEnabled = enabled; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFS_INLINE_IMAGES, enabled); editor.apply(); } /** * @param visible True to enable directed posts, false to disable */ public void setShowDirectedPosts(boolean visible) { showDirectedPosts = visible; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFS_DIRECTED_POSTS_VISIBLE, visible); editor.apply(); } /** * @param visible True to enable directed posts, false to disable */ public void setShowDirectedMentions(boolean visible) { showDirectedMentions = visible; Editor editor = mPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean(Constants.PREFS_DIRECTED_MENTIONS_VISIBLE, visible); editor.apply(); } /** * @return String array of saved tags */ public static String[] getSavedTags() { return savedTags.split(","); } /** * @param tag The tag to check if is saved * @return True if saved, false if not */ public static boolean isTagSaved(String tag) { return savedTags.contains("," + tag + ",") || savedTags.startsWith(tag + ","); } /** * Saves a tag to shared preferences * @param tag The tag to save */ public void saveTag(String tag) { if (!isTagSaved(tag)) { savedTags = savedTags += tag + ","; mPrefs.edit().putString(Constants.PREFS_SAVED_TAGS, savedTags).commit(); } } /** * Unsaves a tag from preferences * @param tag The tag to unsave */ public void unsaveTag(String tag) { if (isTagSaved(tag)) { savedTags = savedTags.replace(tag + ",", ""); mPrefs.edit().putString(Constants.PREFS_SAVED_TAGS, savedTags).commit(); } } /** * @return A string array of muted tags */ public static String[] getMutedTags() { return mutedTags.split("[,]"); } /** * Checks if a tag is muted * @param tag The tag to check * @return True if muted, false if not */ public static boolean isTagMuted(String tag) { return mutedTags.contains("," + tag + ",") || mutedTags.startsWith(tag + ","); } /** * Mutes a tag * @param tag The tag to mute */ public void muteTag(String tag) { tag = tag.replace("#", ""); if (!isTagMuted(tag)) { mutedTags = mutedTags += tag + ","; mPrefs.edit().putString(Constants.PREFS_MUTED_TAGS, mutedTags).commit(); } } /** * Unmutes a tag * @param tag The tag to unmute */ public void unmuteTag(String tag) { tag = tag.replace("#", ""); if (isTagMuted(tag)) { mutedTags = mutedTags.replace(tag + ",", ""); mPrefs.edit().putString(Constants.PREFS_MUTED_TAGS, mutedTags).commit(); } } /** * @return Gets a string array of muted thread IDs */ public static String[] getMutedThreads() { return mutedThreads.split(","); } /** * Checks if a thread is muted * @param id The id of the thread * @return True if the thread is muted, false if not */ public static boolean isThreadMuted(String id) { return mutedThreads.contains("," + id + ",") || mutedThreads.startsWith(id + ","); } /** * Mutes a thread * @param id The ID of the thread (Note: not the post id, the "thread_id") */ public void muteThread(String id) { if (!isThreadMuted(id)) { mutedThreads = mutedThreads += id + ","; mPrefs.edit().putString(Constants.PREFS_MUTED_THREADS, mutedThreads).commit(); } } /** * Unmutes a thread * @param id The ID of the thread (Note: not the post id, the "thread_id") */ public void unmuteThread(String id) { if (isThreadMuted(id)) { mutedThreads = mutedThreads.replace(id + ",", ""); mPrefs.edit().putString(Constants.PREFS_MUTED_THREADS, mutedThreads).commit(); } } /** * @return The current settings in a string format */ public static String dump() { try { String dump = "SettingsManager:\r\n["; Field[] fields = SettingsManager.class.getDeclaredFields(); List<Field> staticFields = new ArrayList<Field>(); for (Field field : fields) { if (java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) { dump += "\r\n\t" + field.getName() + " = " + field.get(null); } } dump += "\r\n]"; return dump; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.out(e); return ""; } } }